Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Response Guarantee

  • We provide you with a 1–hour response warranty with all our cloud hosting plans packages, meaning that each individual support request you email is going to be replied to in only 1 hour maximum. Our support team members are trained to instantly solve any issue and to offer you on time guidance on any problem that you might have.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–quality Support Service

  • Our tech support service is supplied by a group of licensed employees who definitely are able to reply to your question in a timely manner. You could speak with the tech support team team by launching a tech support ticket from your Website Control Panel or by posting us an e–mail. On working days, you may as well contact us on the telephone or make use of the live chatting option.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • Our Control Panel gives you a comprehensive knowledge base that is built–into all parts. In each section, you’ll find a Help press button that will load for you a variety of step–by–step tutorials on how to work with a specific element or accomplish a particular action. Additionally, we have prepared tutorial movies allowing you to get a better idea of the Control Panel’s interface.