With the Database Manager built–into the Website Control Panel, it will be easier to make completely new MySQL and PgSQL databases instantly! Also, you will have immediate access to the admin area software tools (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), which means you can easily manage the database you want.

Neat and Uncomplicated Interface

Be in charge of all your databases from within one place

The Database Manager inside our Website Control Panel contains a robust nevertheless uncomplicated user interface. You can easily configure a whole new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just specifying a username and password. In addition, you can make a back–up file or alter the security password of a database with only a mouse click.

Within the Database Manager you will possess immediate access to the administrative area for all of your databases, so its possible to make convenient adjustments in case you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Quick and Simple Database Back–up

Database backups are just a mouse click away

Through the Database Manager it is easy to make an archived backup of your database when you want! Thus, you’ll always have a backup of your dynamic information in case your web site gets compromised or if you erroneously delete a database. To generate a backup: click the ’clock’ icon beside any database and afterwards wait for a couple of seconds for the process to be performed.

There are not any limits about the amount of databases you can back up or the volume of back–ups you may make for a database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

By far the most risk–free open source databases

You’re going to find PgSQL support in all our cloud hosting plans plans. PgSQL databases may not be as well–known and commonly used as MySQL, nevertheless they supply you with the highest level of security for your website content. Due to this, several widely known companies such as Skype and Yahoo employ PgSQL databases. Dealing with PgSQL databases is as simple as MySQL, due to the intuitive interface of the Database Manager.

PgSQL databases are provided automatically in the most innovative web hosting bundles. For the basic bundles, they are presented as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

We’ve installed InnoDB – the brand new default MySQL database engine on every one of our servers. InnoDB is designed for huge database web sites which require high performance and scalability. Trials have revealed that websites employing InnoDB based tables reach a 3–fold general performance grow for large joins, compared to those making use of MyISAM tables.

InnoDB utilizes row–level locking in an effort to remove the effectiveness difficulties detected at the maximum usage times of the earlier release of the database engine – MyISAM, which employs table–level locking.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Thorough statistics for all your databases

Keeping tabs on the load made by the databases in your busy website will let you avoid any sort of overload issues that could slow it down and chase away site visitors. For that reason, we have built in a descriptive Database Stats tool inside the Website Control Panel. There you will find broad info about the inbound requests to your databases for every single hour, day and month.

In line with the volume of daily and hourly queries, you are able to determine which databases are employed the most and also consider measures to enhance their work.

Hepsia File Manager