Look into the presentation video for the dedicated servers. They’re the ultimate hosting service, a whole server that is used by you and you solely.

The dedicated hosting servers, available at Neond rely on proved and solid hardware components. By doing this you can experience a much more reliable server, in a position to power just about any websites or web applications. Our servers give you a selection of Linux distributions – CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu to pick from at sign up. You may as well go with your hosting control panel – cPanel, DirectAdmin or the Website Control Panel. You’ll possess a full root access on the dedicated server from the start. All of Neond’s dedicated servers are located in the cutting–edge USA data center and offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

With every dedicated server you’ll also have free of cost bonuses at a minimum of $400 of worth. You can find 3 free of charge dedicated IP addresses, a $300–worth billing panel and a $100 domain name reseller account.