An error log is a listing of the error messages and warnings that displayed for one reason or another while your visitors were looking through your site. This type of a log features raw information about the way the web server has handled requests a number of situations. An error message might appear if, for instance, a link leads to a website or a file that is not on the hosting server, if the code on a specific page can't be processed, if someone is trying to access the website or its back office via an IP address which is blocked by an .htaccess rule and so on. The info inside the error log includes the IP address of the site visitor, what error message came out and the cause for the server to show it, the whole path to the file that caused the error and the exact time of the event. Having this information will help you find out if any part of your website has an issue, which you can then clear up. As a result, your site visitors will have a better experience and you may boost the Internet site for best performance.