Marketing Tools in Dedicated Servers
If you buy one of the dedicated server packages that we provide, you will be able to use the tools that are part of Hepsia since this Control Panel is one of the panels that you can choose on the registration page. The sitemap generator is among the most efficient tools since it will allow you to add a sitemap to any of your Internet sites with a few clicks. The amount of links and the website content the sitemap will include could be personalized, so both visitors and search engines could find content on your site quick and easy. This tool makes a file in the search engine friendly XML format. You'll be able to contact your visitors easier with the GeoIP and RSS feed tools. The former will permit you to reroute visitors from different parts of the world to localized landing pages and the latter will allow you to publish content which subscribers can receive using any RSS reader application on their computer or smartphone. With these instruments you can easily boost the popularity of any Internet site hosted on your dedicated server with minimum efforts.